Put up - Put down Animal Pens

One of the best features of our animal runs is just how easy they can be to put up and down.
Here in the UK our winters are often accompanied by horrific weather such as snow, excessive rain, high winds etc.
During this time it's very likely that if the pen you've purchased isn't your pets permanent housing they may not want to go out during this.
That's why our runs being made from a modular panel system means that you can take the pen down and store it away in a garage or shed until you need it again.
They can also move round the garden, or even move house with you.
If you find yourself wanting to store your run away for winter we have the easiest fixing idea for you - cable ties!
Cable ties can be used to fasten panels together securely and when you want to take it down simply snip them off again!
This means you don't have to keep screwing and unscrewing panels together saving you a lot of time and effort!